A: Yes, manual and timer operation is not affected.
Q: I use an air conditioner during the day in the summer and turn it off at night.
When I do this my FAN turns on. What’s happening?
A: Sometimes, when the air conditioning is turned off, the house will start to attract
condensation (humidity). The effect is similar to taking a shower or a bath. The
CONTROL senses the increased condensation (humidity) and turns the FAN on. To
avoid this, you can reduce the CONTROL’s sensitivity level. See PAGES 22-23 for
instructions on how to do this.
Q: The BLUE LED LIGHT is pulsing. What does that mean?
A: The pulsing is telling you that the CONTROL is sensing condensation (humidity)
and is running the FAN to remove the condensation. When the BLUE LED LIGHT is
solid (not pulsing on/off) the FAN is on and either in manual timer mode or in
sensor operated drying mode. Note: When the CONTROL senses condensation, it
will run the FAN as long as it takes to return the room to its normal state. After a
shower or bath, this is typically 25-35 minutes. The manual timer setting does not
change the drying time. The manual timer is for smell removal time only.
Q: I lost the SETTINGS TOOL that came with the CONTROL SCREW KIT, can I
use a screwdriver to make adjustments?
A: Yes. You can use any small tool, just be careful not to break the sensitivity and
timer dials.
Q: What happens if someone turns the FAN off before the room is fully dried?
A: The CONTROL knows when your room needs to be dried. If someone turns the
CONTROL off manually it will still sense the condensation and turn on again after 1
minute to finish drying the room.
Q: What is an MPH Timer?
A: MPH means Minutes Per Hour. This allows you to set how many minutes the fan
will run and refresh air in the room every hour. Set the timer at 10 minutes and then
every hour the fan will come ON and run for 10 minutes then turn back OFF. The
timer setting range is 0-60 minutes.
Q: Why would I use an MPH (Minutes Per Hour) timer?
A: The MPH timer is extremely useful. Homes need fresh air and when the fan is
ON it is expelling stale air and that allows fresh air to come into the home. This is
like you opening and closing your front or back door to your home, allowing fresh
air to enter. The MPH timer also lets you meet the newest codes that require fresh
air into the new and more airtight homes. Another name for our MPH timer is Fresh
Air Timer™.
Q: If I use the MPH timer, can I still turn ON/OFF the fan manually?
A: Yes you can. At any time, you can use your fan’s ON/OFF switch to operate the
Q: When the FAN is on, the CONTROL is clicking and the BLUE LED LIGHT is
turning on and off. How do I fix this?
A: The CONTROL may be wired incorrectly. Check the wiring diagram on PAGES
19-21 and ensure that the power, neutral, fan, and ground wires are connected
Q: Can I use the CONTROL in a 3-way wiring configuration?
A: Yes, the CONTROL can be used in multi-switch and/or multi-fan configurations.
The instructions and wiring diagrams for these configurations can be found at
Q: I still have additional questions.
A: Contact us at [email protected] or call our service department at
(877) 543-8698. We are happy to assist you with any additional questions.