© Copyright 2009 • RMXE6059INSTR
• Following are a few precautions you should keep in mind while learning to fl y your Proto CX.
• Stop fl ying when the batteries become too low. This will be noted by the blinking battery icon in the display or when response of the helicopter to the controls
becomes erratic.
• When a crash is impending, or during a crash, always immediately lower the throttle control stick to stop power to the motor.
This will reduce the possibility of damage to the gears or other parts of the drive train.
Turn on the transmitter and confi rm that all the trims are centered by viewing the display screen.
Connect the LiPo battery to the helicopter and confi rm that the receiver is bound to the transmitter.
Place the helicopter on the ground approximately 5 feet [1.5m] in front of you. The front of the helicopter (canopy) should also be
facing away from you so the helicopter will respond in the same direction as your control inputs. When fl ying, concentrate on the
front, or nose of the helicopter, not the tail.
Gradually advance the throttle and operate the controls to, as best as you can, keep the helicopter
the same direction as you—
in the beginning, the yaw control will require the most effort and concentration. Continue to advance the throttle until the helicopter
becomes airborne while constantly operating all of the controls. For now, keep the helicopter low to the ground (no more than one
foot [.3m]) so it is less likely to become damaged in case of a crash.
Once you are able to hold the helicopter in one location (“hovering”), adjust the trims as necessary so it will stay in the same place
with little or no control inputs (“hands off”).
To make trim adjustments, it is usually easiest to land the helicopter, make
the minor trim changes, then resume a hover to see the effect.
Continue to lift the helicopter off the ground and establish a hover if you can, then land, take a breath and try again. Continue
practicing until you can consistently and confi dently control the helicopter. This may take several fl ights.
Once you are able to establish a controlled hover near the ground, it’s time to hover higher—approximately 3' [1m]. After you have accomplished this, it’s time to start
learning to control the helicopter in different orientations—beside you and facing you. Maintaining a safe distance, move the helicopter to your left side, then to your right
side. Also practice rotating the helicopter 90° while maintaining a hover in front of you. Finally, and most diffi cult, learn to control the helicopter with the nose facing you.
Gradually rotate the helicopter a few degrees at a time learning to control it each step of the way. Finally, rotate the helicopter 180° until you are “nose-to-nose” (at a safe
distance). When you have mastered the nose-in hover you will have complete control of your Proto CX!
Approximately 5’
90° LEFT