Revel Performa3 F208/F206 Floorstanding Loudspeaker
Owner’s Manual
tWeeter LeVeL SWitCH (F208)
This switch alters the tweeter’s output by – 1dB, – 0.5dB, 0dB, + 0.5dB,
or + 1dB.
CAUTION: Do not operate the switch while audio is playing
through the speaker.
LOW-FreQUenCy COmPenSatiOn SWitCH (F208)
This switch compensates for less-than-ideal loudspeaker placement
near a wall, in an entertainment center, or in a room that “boosts” low
Select “Normal” if the loudspeaker is located at least three feet
(0.91m) from walls and other large objects.
Select “Boundary” if the loudspeaker is built into an entertainment
center or shelving unit or if the loudspeaker is located less than
about two feet (0.61m) from walls or other large objects.
You can fi ne-tune the low-frequency performance even further by
experimenting with the Low-Frequency Compensation adjustment
along with the supplied port plugs.
CAUTION: Do not operate the switch while audio is playing
through the speaker.
BindinG POStS
These gold-plated terminals provide connections from the power
amplifi er(s).
The F208 has one pair of high-frequency and one pair of low-frequency
binding posts that come from the factory connected by a pair of shorting
straps (see below). The two sets of binding posts can be confi gured for
single-wired, bi-wired, or bi-amped connections. Refer to the
section on page 7 for additional information.
SHOrtinG StraPS (F208)
Two gold-plated shorting straps that confi gure the loudspeaker for
single-wired connections are installed at the factory. The shorting straps
must be removed when the binding posts are re-confi gured for bi-wired
or bi-amped connections. Refer to the
Making Connections
section on
page 7 for additional information.
inStaLLatiOn COnSideratiOnS
Loudspeaker fi delity depends on the following three factors: loudspeaker
accuracy, loudspeaker placement and listening room acoustics.
Advanced Revel design features allow the F208 and F206 to achieve
exceptional acoustical precision. As a result, experimenting with
loudspeaker placement and listening room acoustics will have the most
signifi cant impact on the loudspeakers’ performance.
LOUdSPeaKer PLaCement
The following are important loudspeaker placement considerations for
the F208 and F206:
Remove all obstructions between the loudspeaker and the
primary listening position. For instance, a coffee table between
the loudspeaker and the primary listening position will create
refl ections that will degrade stereo imaging and timbre. Placing
the loudspeakers near large objects may also cause unwanted
refl ections.
For the best stereo imaging, place the loudspeakers so that they are
both the same distance from the primary listening position and so
they are both the same distance from the side walls, as shown in
the illustration at the top of the next column.
Front Wall
Primary Listening Position
For optimal stereo imaging and timbre, aim the loudspeakers
directly toward the primary listening position as shown in the
illustration above. If you wish to widen the stereo soundstage
you can reduce this toe-in angle, even to the point at which the
loudspeakers are pointing straight forward.
Moving the loudspeakers farther from the front and side listening
room walls will improve stereo imaging and the sense of
spaciousness in the listening space.
Moving the loudspeakers closer to the corners or walls of the
listening room will increase bass level.