3.8 Meter Select Switch
The Meter Select switch provides metering of the Input and Output levels and the Gain
Reduction. The Input and Output meters are referenced to a standard operating level of
+4 dBm. It is simple to check your input and output levels for easy setup and A/B
comparisons with the Bypass switch. The Input Meter is fed directly from the Input
XLR. The Output Meter is fed directly from the 176 Output Control before the Amplifier
Bypass switch.
Normally the meter is kept in the GR position.
3.9 Stereo Linked Operation
Stereo linked operation is generally only desired when the stereo image must not wander.
For example, when dialogue is slightly panned and you are using heavy amounts of
compression. If the 176’s are unlinked, the panning would tend to move to the center.
For contemporary music recording, we prefer the 176’s unlinked. The unlinked stereo
pair actually enhances the stereo cues and create a wide soundstage. Instead of being
heavy-handed on the mono mix, they have better dexterity to reward the dynamics of the
independent left and right channels.