7. Time-out Timer(TOT)
The purpose of TOT is preventing radio using the channel too long
time, meanwhile avoiding radio long time transmit to cause broken,
If continuous transmitting exceeds limited time(by software setting
up),The radio stop transmitting and warning sound. To stop the
warning sound , release PPT switch, radio is in receiving state.
Timeout alert : when on transmitting is about to time out,alert by
ringing a few seconds(by programming software setting up)in
8. Scan Switch
When the radio is set to be scannable by the programming
software , Rotate channel on select knob to any channel to
automatically enter the scan state. If current channel on 16, the
radio will be automatic detection of the activity defined in channels
1to 16 as sweepable channels (programming software can define
whether each channel can be swept or unscannable ).when
scanned channel have signal, the radio will automatically stop at
this channel and for conversation.
: a. The walkie-talkie will stop on the channel with the signal.
After the signal disappears, it will continue to scan the next channel
after about 10 seconds.
b. When the scan channel is less than 2 channels,the radio can not
c. If the current channel is not 16 channels, 16 channels are
scanned and current channel is scanned. If current channel or one
of the 16 channels is unscannable, then scan the remaining
scannable channels.
9. Non-standard CTCSS self programming
Non-standard CTCSS can be self programmed by software
a. First, setting up non-standard CTCSS QT signaling on
the channel of the radio , it can be from 67.0 CTCSS to 254.1
CTCSS between any set of the QT signaling.
10. Voice Prompt Selection
When “Voice Prompt Selection” is off, the transceiver
will not give voice prompt. When “Voice Prompt Selection”
is Chinese, Chinese voice prompt is activated. When “Voice
Prompt Selection” is English, English voice prompt is