English 7
Sterilisation procedures
Disassemble the mask according to the instructions in the User Guide.
AirFit N20 - Cushion
AirFit N20 Classic - Cushion
1. Soak the component in a solution of Alconox diluted with drinking quality water at 1%, ie, 10 g per litre, at 20-25°C, according to manufacturer’s instructions.
2. Whilst immersed in the solution, clean with a soft bristle brush for 1 minute. Pay particular attention to all crevices and cavities.
3. Rinse by shaking vigorously in drinking quality water (five litres per mask). Repeat for one more minute using fresh water.
4. Inspect and if required, repeat washing until visually clean.
5. Allow the components to air dry out of direct sunlight.
AirFit N20 - Elbow and short tube
1. Make a solution of Alconox by diluting with drinking quality water at 1%, ie, 10 g per litre, at 45-55°C, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
2. Soak the mask component in the solution for 5 minutes. Rotate all connections three times around 360 degrees.
3. Whilst in the solution, thoroughly clean the component with a test tube brush for an additional 1 minute. Pay particular attention to all crevices and cavities.
4. Rinse the component by agitating it vigorously in drinking quality water, 5 litres per component at 25-30°C for 1 minute. Repeat the process by using fresh water for another 1 minute.
5. Rinse the component under fast-running drinking quality tap water (45-55°C) from one end of the component, for 20 seconds. Repeat the process from the other end of the component.
6. Inspect and if required, repeat washing until visually clean.
7. Allow the components to air dry out of direct sunlight.
AirFit N20 - Cushion / elbow and short tube
AirFit N20 Classic - Cushion
1. Dry the components thoroughly. If the components are wet, the sterilisation process may fail.
2. Package the components prior to sterilisation as described in the manufacturer’s instructions for the STERRAD Sterilisation System.
Note: The use of pouches is not recommended.
3. Sterilise the components following the manufacturer’s instructions:
Short cycle (boosters not required)
Standard or Advanced cycle
4. Rinse and agitate the components in drinking quality water (5 litres per component) at 20-30°C for 1 minute.
5. Shake the components to remove excess water.
6. Allow the components to dry out of direct sunlight.
Perform a visual inspection of each mask component. If any visible deterioration of a mask component is apparent (cracking, crazing, tears etc), the mask component should be discarded and replaced. Slight discolouration
of the silicone components may occur and is acceptable.
Reassemble the mask according to the instructions in the User Guide.
Packaging and storage
Store in a dry, dust-free environment away from direct sunlight.
Storage temperature:
-20°C to 60°C.
Failure to clean the mask component as indicated may result in inadequate disinfection and sterilisation.