Electric components - Usage time
The electrical components are designed to be used for no more than 2 minutes continuous
movement in any period of 20 minutes. If they are used for 2 minutes continuously then they
should not be used for another 18 minutes. Two minutes will allow for considerable amount of
movements in line with normal operation.
Four motor mechanism with independent TIS,
Backrest Recline, Rise and Leg Rest Movements
The Arden offers clients and carers some very unique movement options that support good
posture, pressure management and independent living. This mechanism is ideal for:
• those clients who are unable to independently shift their weight either in a reclined or seated
• those with poor skin integrity where there is a high risk of skin breakdown.
• those clients with complex needs that require carer support to change position without putting
their own health at risk whilst carrying out positional changes.
The back recline works independently of the leg rest enabling a wide range of relaxing positions,
from sitting upright and raising the leg rest to relieve tired legs to a fully reclined resting position.
The leg elevation can support reduction in oedema and fluid retention. This reduced fluid in the
lower limbs allows a user to maintain their standing and walking abilities. The rise position supports
standing, enabling the person to walk away more easily.
Back Recline
Independent tilt in space
Legrest out
Complete recline & tilt
More information
and clips showing this
mechanism in action are
available on our website.