The last word in
6. What should the installer be aware of before installation?
This should act as a checklist for any Sidekick installation.
The installer knows which port number on the network switch will support the WAN connection for
the Sidekick.
The installer has been given the port number on the network switch that has been configured to
mirror the VoIP VLAN tra
c for the Layer 2 domain per the instructions found on the
Ensure that the installer has a copy of the
to complete the Sidekick installation
via the Reply portal or the Mobile App.
5. Does the Sidekick need to be installed on the VoIP VLAN?
If the Sidekick is installed without a mirror port, then it can support device visibility and registration from
one VLAN only, and must be installed on the VoIP VLAN.
If the Sidekick is installed with a mirror port, then it can support device visibility and registration from
multiple VLAN’s, and does not need to be installed on the VoIP VLAN.