Instructions: AMB-BKT-1
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Version: 20110203
Safety First!
Use caution if you are installing your antenna on a ladder, balcony or other location where the antenna could fall on
someone or cause damage if it were to fall. If so, you might want to install a “safety line”in case your antenna/mount
comes loose. As with any antenna installation, be careful around thunderstorms and lightening, and you may want to
remove your antenna or disconnect the coax BEFORE a storm appears - remember that if you can hear thunder you
can be struck by lightening! These instructions are meant to provide general guidelines but can not provide all of the
details on how to safely install your mount and antenna, as each installation is unique. If you feel that you cannot safely
install your antenna on the BKT, or it does not meet your needs, you may return it for a refund within two weeks (see
Warranty for details). SAFETY FIRST!
Tools Needed to Install BKT and Options
No special tools are required. A wrench is needed to tighten the mounting bolts and antenna bases.
Installation Suggestions
The BKT bolts to your mounting surface (or our other products) using the two provided 3/8 inch bolts. Place flat
washers on either side of the BKT and a lock washer under each nut. You can use longer bolts or wood screws, etc. that
you provide in place of the bolts that we provide, if your application requires a different bolt or screw.
Options Installation (
SKIP if none used
): Install the optional AMB-GND-1 /8 or AMB-Arm2 (if used).
counterpoise rings mount into the upper of the two 3/8 holes. Model “1”has four couplers
and Model “8”has eight couplers. They are designed ONLY for fixed base but
NOT for mobile use while moving
The photo below shows the AMB-Gnd-1 installed on the BKT. The AMB-Gnd-8 installs the same way.
If you need both bolts to mount the BKT then use the upper bolt to hold the
“ring”–in this case one of the couplers and bolts with the “ring”cannot be used. However, if your mounting
surface is thin you may be able to use one bolt and coupler that came with the “ring”as the upper bolt to
support the BKT, therefore all of the couplers can be used. Alternatively, if you can mount the BKT with only
the BOTTOM bolt, then you can likely use all couplers and whips with the “ring”.
second antenna bracket mounts to the 1/4 inch ground bolt on the BKT. It is designed ONLY for
fixed base but is
NOT designed for mobile use while moving
. The photo below shows what you get. The bracket
is 13 inches long with a ¼ inch hole for mounting.
Attach the antenna base of your choice; your antenna screws onto the base. You can use more than one base as they are
easily interchangeable if you have antennas with different types of bases.
The 3/8x24 stud base has an insulating washer with a small lip - the lip is placed into the 3/4 inch hole on top of
the BKT. The 3/8x24 stud coupler rests against this washer so the antenna does not short to ground. The large lock
washer can be placed between the insulating washer and the coupler if desired. The bottom SO239 connector
contacts the BKT for the ground connection.
The NMO and SO239 bases have two large stainless steel washers and heavy-duty nut(s) so that they will fit any
hole from 5/8 to 3/4 inches in diameter.