Typical Projects
Doc No: UMAN\GWY-300-B\0106
Project Setup
This Chapter explains, how a simple Gateway project can be created and tested. To develop a Gateway system,
select appropriate Gateway model depending on the system requirements. A new project can be created as follows:
User should follow the given seqence to configure and use GWY-800-B unit:
Install Gateway Setup Software.
Select GWY-800-B from product list.
Create a project using gateway software. Set Baud rate through PLC settings.For HART baud rate is
Connect IBM cable and HART cable.
Power up the unit.
If current driver present for PLC1 port is Master (e.g. Modbus (Gateway as Master))
First, it is checked that whether device is connected on port2 (HART Device)
If device is connected, it checks for the PLC1. If PLC1 is also connected then it continues the normal operation.
If HART device (Note that, If PLC1 is not connected then unit does not enter into the IBM mode.) is not connected,
it checks for IBM download mode for 10sec.
This sequence continues until either is satisfied.
If current driver present for PLC1 port is Slave (e.g. Modbus (Gateway as Slave))
If Port1 of Gateway is Slave, then unit only check for the HART device. If not present then enters into IBM mode else
continues its normal operation.
Download Firmware, driver for the PLCs & project.
After downloading firmware, driver or project, software will ask to restart the unit. If user click on NO, then gateway
will remain in Download mode. If user click on YES, then gateway unit is ready for application.
It advisable to power cycle the unit after downloading.