Doc No: UMAN\FL\0110
Rev. No.: 1.02B
Power Supply Check
If the PWR (power) LED is not lit after power on, check the following points.
CPU Check
If the RUN LED is not lit after power on, check the following points.
Program Check
Check the user program based on the following points if it is running but the operation does not work as intended.
1. Whether duplicated coils are not programmed.
2. Whether a coil device and a destination of a function instruction are not overlapping.
3. Whether the ON/OFF duration of an external input signal is not shorter than the unit’s scan time.
4. Whether a register/device which is used in the main program is not operated erroneously in the interrupt
Check the power connection
Connection terminals are correct.
The terminal screws are not loose.
The terminal block is installed securely.
Check the power voltage
24 VDC; +/- 15%
at the FlexiLogics terminal
Remove the programmer
If the PWR LED becomes normal, the
port connector
internal supply may be shorted in the
external connections of this port.
Still unlit
Remove the expansion
If the PWR LED is still OFF, the FlexiLogics
basic unit may be faulty. Replace the unit.
Insert the removed expansion
Replace the faulty expansion unit.
Unit one by one to pinpoint
the faulty expansion
Check the position of the
If it is not in R (RUN) position, turn the
mode control switch
switch to R (RUN) position.
Check the ERR (error) LED
If the ERR LED is lit, the FlexiLogics base PLC model
is in the ERROR mode. Confirm the error
message by connecting the programming
Is the RUN & ERR LED blinking ?
Firmware is invalid. Download the firmware again.
If only ERR LED is blinking either ladder or
application is invalid. Download the program