Model Number
Serial Number
Date of Manufacture
Follow Operating Instructions
Type BF Applied Part, Internally Powered
Keep Dry
The leva-02 device and storage case are protected from
dust. They are also protected against splashing water
from all directions, but they should not be submerged in
Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation
Temperature Limitation
Humidity Limitation
Federal law (USA) restricts the sale of this device by or
on the order of a Physician.
This product contains electrical and electronic
components that may contain materials which, if
disposed with general waste, could be damaging to the
environment. Dispose or recycle this product in
accordance with local laws or regulations that apply.
Radio Frequency Devices (US). Federal Communication
Commission Number (FCC ID #) Complies with United
States Radio communication requirements. (47 CFR Part
Unique Device Identifier (UDI)