For Renogy Smart Lithium batteries with BMS, the Rover Boost’s RS485/CAN communication
ports will be used to synchronize smart battery information and allow up to 2 x Rover Boosts to
communicate with each other as separate but paralleled systems to the same battery bank.
One controller in the system will be the Host, or the main controller, while the other controller
will synchronize its logic to the Host controller. The Host controller will receive and assign
battery charging information to the non-host controller, synchronizing charging logic for the
connected controllers. The RS485/CAN communication functions have the following major
advantages for Smart lithium Battery setups:
Typical chargers have a preset logic when charging batteries. The logic is based off voltage
setpoints and time limits. The advantage for the Lithium communication is that the controller will
communicate with the BMS directly and adjusting charging for a more accurate and precise
algorithm. Charging logic, assuming power supply source, may also charge longer than typical
chargers for the most precise charging algorithm.
Host Mode Communication
Host Mode on 48V Smart LFP Battery
Improved and accurate Battery Charging
Direct communication with the BMS gives the controller access to state of charge information
and aids in BMS cell balancing for 100% charging. CAN logic reads battery BMS and
communicates exact SOC% and voltage values which will keep sending charge until fully
charged to 100%
The added communication between controller and battery automatically adjusts to the settings
rated by the BMS directly.
Direct BMS Communication
Accurate communication takes care of voltage compensation so that no battery voltage sensor
is needed, as the most accurate charging algorithm is in place.
1.Connect the Rover Boost to the positive and negative battery terminals
2.Set the battery type on the controller. In this case we will select 48V LFP, or purple.
3.Connect an ethernet cable between the Rover Boost’s RS485 or CAN communication port
and the Smart LFP Battery’s CAN communication port.
Make sure the polarity is correct. Reverse polarity on a Lithium battery w/ BMS may
cause irreversible damage to the charge controller and not covered by warranty.
Use ethernet cables that are CAT5 or higher. Follow the steps below to set up the
Rover Boost with the Renogy 48V Smart LFP Battery
Do not connect any solar panels to the Rover Boost when first setting up the battery.
No Battery Voltage Sensor Needed