8. DMX connection
Use of XLR microphone cables may cause interferences in the DMX signal transmission. In this
case, please use special DMX high-frequency cables.
a) Connection of a DMX controller
Only connect the device to a DMX controller with a DMX-512 protocol.
• Connect the DMX IN input to the DMX controller output.
• Use a screened XLR cable for this. The controller must have 8 free control channels.
• Connect the DMX OUT output to the DMX input of the next device in sequence. If the effect light is the last or only
device in the DMX chain, insert a plug with a 120 Ohm/0.25 W terminator here (between Pin2 and Pin3).
Pin assignment of the DMX connection: Pin1 = earth / Pin2 = (-) / Pin3 = (+).
Never connect the earth pin GND to the casing earth of the effect light; this may result in interference in signal
transmission caused by ground loops.