TONiC RKLC20-S linear installation guide
RKLC20-S scale application
Cutting scale
If required cut scale to length using guillotine or shears.
Using the guillotine
The guillotine should be held securely in place, using a suitable vice or clamping method.
Once secured, feed the RKLC20-S scale through the guillotine as shown, and place guillotine press
block down onto the scale. Ensure the block is in the correct orientation (as shown).
Whilst holding the block in place, in a smooth motion, pull down the lever to cut through the scale.
press block
Guillotine press block orientation when cutting RKLC20-S scale
Using the shears
Feed the RKLC20‑S scale through the first apperture on the shears (as shown).
Hold the scale in place and close the shears in a smooth motion to cut through the scale.