Step 3: Re-fit screw locks through facia panel,
but do not fully tighten.
Screw locks (4 off)
Step 4: Fit 4 off screws but do not fully tighten.
Screw A (4 off)
Step 5: Slacken screws B by 1/4 or 1/2 turn.
Complete final tightening sequence:
1) Tighten 4 off screw A (identified in Step 4)
2) Tighten 2 off screw B (identified in Step 5)
3) Tighten screw locks (identified in Step 3)
Screw B (2 off)
Full details of the RPI20 parallel interface can
be found in data sheet L-9904-2352. For a copy
visit www.renishaw.com or contact your local
Renishaw office.
© 2006 Renishaw plc. All rights reserved.
Printed in England 0306 Part No. M-9904-2375-02
Renishaw reserves the right to change specifications
without notice.
For worldwide contact details, please visit
our main website at:
Facia panel