It is important to check the direction sense
correctly. If it is set incorrectly, the machine will move in the
opposite direction to that expected, and may accelerate until it
reaches the axis limits. In the case of parallel twin rail drives,
it is important that the direction sense of the slave axis is set
to match the master axis. Failure to do this will cause opposite
ends of the cross-member to move in opposite directions,
possibly causing damage to the machine.
3.2 Position
Position output is scaled for 1 nm/lsb for PMI and 2 nm/lsb
for RRI.
Axis 1 is scaled relative to RLE Axis 1 wavelength at NTP of
632.818270 nm.
Axis 2 is scaled relative to RLE Axis 2 wavelength at NTP of
632.819719 nm.
NTP is defined as 101,325Pa, 20ºC, 50% RH, 450 ppm CO
Ensure when connecting the RLE/HS20 to the RLI20 that the
appropriate connector is connected to the relevant port
(Axis 1/Axis 2).
Position is set to zero on power up and when the Panasonic
controller is power cycled.
If an error is signalled by the RLI20, then the
RLI20 position data may be incorrect. The system must be reset
and re-referenced before it is used for position feedback again.
The position data will roll over when the
RLI20 position range limit is exceeded. The stage controller
should be programmed to account for this.