Applications Engineering
SKP16C62P User’s Manual Rev. 1.0
17 / 22
December 2003
A.2.3 KD30 Already Exist
When a message ‘KD30 already exists’ is displayed, the usual cause of this problem is that the
KD30 application was not properly closed. Please check if KD30 is already running by looking at
your task bar. If KD30 cannot be found there, bring up Task Manager (press CTRL-ALT-DEL
once and click on ‘Task Manager’ button). Select KD30.exe on the ‘Processes’ list and click on
‘End Process’ to terminate KD30.
A.2.4 Issues that may come up During Debug Operations
While using KD30 to debug user code, some issues may come up because the limitations
discussed in section 6 were not satisfied. These common issues are listed on table A.2, including
the countermeasures.
Table A.2. Problems while using KD30
Possible Cause/s and Solution
After stepping a few
instructions, KD30 hangs
Changes made to UART1 SFR’s.
Breakpoints do not seem to
KD30 is in “FreeRun” mode. Change the RUN mode to
“Sampling” from the “Init” window (Environment > Init).
KD30 locks up (cannot stop
program) or
Communication error
message is displayed.
Changes made to UART1 SFR’s.
Ensure no limitations in Section 7 were violated.
Re-initialize the system without closing KD30. See note
Do a hardware reset. User-program runaway may be
corrupting kernel RAM or interrupt vectors, flags, etc. Close
KD30, hit S1 on the SKP16C62P to reset the board, and
then restart KD30.
Download Issues
Filenames or directory names contain spaces or special
HEW project not properly set up (startup files missing or out
of order, files added to wrong member, etc). Try creating a
new project and adding your source files to it. For details,
please see HEW user’s manual.
To re-initialize the system without closing KD30, try the following:
Press the [OK] button in the error dialog box to close it.
When an Exit dialog box appears, press the [Cancel] button to close it.
Hit reset button on the SKP16C62P board.
Press KD30 reset button.
After initialization, debugging can resume. However, it is recommended that you download your
program again before debugging.
Note: If it has been identified that there are problems with the ICD, please see the ICD’s (RTA-
FoUSB-MON) user’s manual and troubleshooting.
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