R01UH0822EJ0100 Rev.1.00
Page 168 of 1041
Jul 31, 2019
RX13T Group
11. Low Power Consumption
“Operating possible” means that operating or stopped can be controlled by the register setting.
“Stopped (Retained)” means that internal register values are retained and internal operations are suspended.
Note 1. “Interrupts” here indicates an external pin interrupt (the NMI or IRQ0 to IRQ5) or any of peripheral interrupts (the IWDT, and
voltage monitoring interrupts).
Note 2. This does not include a RES# pin reset, power-on reset, voltage monitoring reset, or independent watchdog-timer reset. One of
these reset sources initiate transition to reset state.
Note 3. Operating or stopping is selected by setting the IWDT sleep mode count stop control bit (IWDTSLCSTP) in option function
select register 0 (OFS0) in IWDT auto-start mode. In any mode other than IWDT auto-start mode, operating or stopping is
selected by the setting of the sleep mode count stop control bit (SLCSTP) in the IWDT count stop control register
Note 4. The peripheral logic states are retained.
Note 5. During sleep mode, do not write to the system control related registers (indicated by ‘SYSTEM’ in the Module Symbol column in
Table 5.1, List of I/O Registers (Address Order).
Note 6. Using the digital filter function is prohibited. Operation for outputting the comparison result to the COMPn pin is possible.
Table 11.2
Operating Conditions of Each Power Consumption Mode
Sleep Mode
Deep Sleep Mode
Software Standby Mode
Entry trigger
Control re instruction
Control re instruction
Control re instruction
Exit trigger
After exiting from each mode, CPU
begins from*
Interrupt handling
Interrupt handling
Interrupt handling
Main clock oscillator
Operating possible
Operating possible
High-speed on-chip oscillator
Operating possible
Operating possible
Low-speed on-chip oscillator
Operating possible
Operating possible
IWDT-dedicated on-chip oscillator
Operating possible*
Operating possible*
Operating possible*
Operating possible
Operating possible
Stopped (Retained)
Stopped (Retained)
Stopped (Retained)
RAM0 (0000 0000h to 0000 2FFFh)
Operating possible (Retained)
Stopped (Retained)
Stopped (Retained)
Operating possible*
Stopped (Retained)
Stopped (Retained)
Flash memory
Stopped (Retained)
Stopped (Retained)
Independent watchdog timer (IWDT)
Operating possible*
Operating possible*
Operating possible*
Voltage detection circuit (LVD)
Operating possible
Operating possible
Operating possible
Power-on reset circuit
Peripheral modules
Operating possible
Operating possible
Stopped (Retained)*
I/O ports
Comparator C
Operating possible
Operating possible
Operating possible*