R01UH0823EJ0100 Rev.1.00
Page 1532 of 1823
Jul 31, 2019
RX23W Group
44. 12-Bit A/D Converter (S12ADE)
Note 1. The peripheral module clock PCLK frequency is set according to the setting of the SCKCR.PCKB[3:0] bits and the A/D
conversion clock ADCLK frequency is set according to the setting of the SCKCR.PCKD[3:0] bits.
Note 2. The number of extended bits during addition differs depending on the addition count.
2-bit extension: 1-time to 4-time conversion (addition zero to three times)
4-bit extension: 16-time conversion (addition 15 times)
Note 3. See section 11, Low Power Consumption for details.
Note 4. Wait for 1 μs or longer to start A/D conversion after release from the module stop state.
Interrupt sources
In the modes except double trigger mode and group scan mode, A/D scan end interrupt request
(S12ADI0) can be generated on completion of single scan.
In double trigger mode, A/D scan end interrupt request (S12ADI0) can be generated on completion of
double scan.
In group scan mode, an A/D scan end interrupt request (S12ADI0) can be generated on completion of
group A scan, whereas an A/D scan end interrupt request (GBADI) for group B can be generated on
completion of group B scan.
When double trigger mode is selected in group scan mode, A/D scan end interrupt request (S12ADI0)
can be generated on completion of double scan of group A, whereas A/D scan end interrupt request
(GBADI) specially for group B can be generated on completion of group B scan.
The S12ADI0 and GBADI interrupts can activate the DMA controller (DMAC) and the data transfer
controller (DTC).
Event link function
An ELC event is generated on completion of scans other than group B scan in group scan mode.
An ELC event is generated on completion of group B scan in group scan mode.
An ELC event is generated on completion of all scans.
Scan can be started by a trigger output by the ELC.
An ELC event is generated according to the event conditions of the window compare function in single
scan mode.
Low power consumption
Module stop state can be set.*
Table 44.1
Specifications of 12-Bit A/D Converter (2/2)