Emulation Adapter
R20UT4460EJ0110 Rev. 1.10
Page 40 of 53
Nov. 01, 2019
Power-Supply Voltages
The debug chip mounted on the emulation adapter basically operates with the power supplied from the target
system. However, note that there are differences in the following power-supply voltages.
EMUVDD and EMUVCC are generated on the emulation adapter.
Whether the power-supply voltage generated on the emulation adapter or that for the target system is used for
VDD is selectable by the setting of JP7 on the emulation adapter.
When you use the power supply from the target system, note that transient drops in the power-supply voltage
may occur.
VSS Pins for Each Power-Supply Voltage
AxVSS, ADSVSS, and VSS are connected to a common GND in the emulation adapter.
Stabilizing capacitors are connected to the stabilizing capacitor connection pins (RAMSVCL and ADSVCL) on
the emulation adapter. These pins are not connected on the target system.
A/D Converter
Results from the A/D converter may differ from those on the actual device because of the exchange adaptor etc.
between the debug chip and the target system.
Double-Mapping Mode
The emulation adapter is not capable of emulating the double-mapping mode for the target device.