Use of an Internal RAM Area as External Memory
An internal RAM area can be used as an external address when the RAME bit of the SYSCR is
cleared to "0". Emulator (option memory) cannot be selected for the internal RAM area. Only
user memory can be accessed as an external address. Option memory cannot be accessed as an
external address. In this case, Memory Mapping setting is the same as the Internal RAM setting.
Support of Flash Memory
The E6000 does not emulate the flash memory control operation in the MCU.
Hardware Standby
When the User Standby enable check box is selected in the Configuration window, the STBY
signal of the user system is directly input to the E6000, and the MCU operation stops.
When disabling the STBY signal, be sure to keep the oscillator stabilization time and the timing
specifications of the
EXDMA controller
The H8S/2678 series, H8S/2678R series, H8S/2668 series, H8S/2368 series, H8S/2378 series
includes an EXDMA controller that performs direct memory access (DMA) transfers between
external addresses. The EXDMA controller can only access User (user memory) and cannot
access Emulator (option memory).
SIMM Memory Module Access
When SIMM memory module is used for the external area, memory will always be accessed via
16-bit bus in 3 cycles regardless of the setting of the bus controller.
Power Supply Follower Circuit
If the Configuration dialog box is used to set [User Vcc Threshold], set the Vcc between 2.7 V
to 3.6 V.