2.6. Building site or area cleaning
In REMS Pull 2 M pull out the plug (11) for the suction hose connecting nozzle
(12). Insert the suction hose (13) into the suction hose connecting nozzle (12)
as far as it goes and snap the bayonet catch shut by turning it to the right (Fig.
6). The suction power switch (8) should be set to "max" for optimum suction
performance. In REMS Pull 2 M, set the suction hose diameter selector switch
(14) to the used suction hose diameter.. Push the handle (17) into the suction
hose and snap it in place (Fig. 9). The wet/dry joint attachment (18), the suction
tube (19), the wet/dry surface attachment (20) can be pushed into the handle
(17) as required. Brush strips or rubber lips can be mounted on the wet/dry
surface attachment optionally. The brush strips/rubber lips can be levered out
with a fl at blade screwdriver (Fig. 15). Please bear in mind when inserting that
the brush strips/rubber lips are different lengths and therefore only fi t into one
of the slits in the surface attachment (20). Insert the rubber lips with the smooth
sides facing inwards.
3. Operation
Use eye protection
Use a respirator
Use ear protection
Use hand protection
Check and observe the intended use of the vacuum cleaner, especially the
necessary dust class, before performing any work during which health hazardous
dusts could be produced.
REMS Pull 2 L and Pull 2 M is switched on with the On/Off switch (21). REMS
Pull 2 L and Pull 2 M clean the fl at folded fi lter (10) automatically. The fi lter is
cleaned by several short shots of air in rapid succession. You can choose
between 4 operating states with the On/Off switch (21):
vacuum cleaner off
vacuum cleaner on, extraction without automatic fi lter cleaning
vacuum cleaner on, extraction with automatic fi lter cleaning
at 15 s intervals
vacuum cleaner on, extraction with automatic fi lter cleaning
at 60 s intervals
REMS Pull 2 L and
REMS Pull 2 L
REMS Pull 2 L
Pull 2 M monitor the fi lling level of electrically conductive
liquids, e.g. water, in the tank (1). Electrodes for limiting the fi lling level (22)
switch off the vacuum cleaner automatically as soon as the electrically conduc-
tive liquid touches the electrodes. When sucking up non-conductive liquids or
dusts, the fi lling level in the tank (1) must be checked visually from time to time.
In the REMS Pull 2 M the air velocity is checked by an electronic volume fl ow
monitor. An acoustic signal sounds if it drops below the prescribed value of 20
m/s. The suction hose diameter selector switch (14) on the vacuum cleaner
3.1. Extracting dusts and liquids from connected power tools
The socket for power tools with automatic on/off (16) on the vacuum cleaner
is only intended for direct connection of power tools with a consumed power
between 100 and 2,200 W.
The specifi ed maximum permissible power for the socket for power tools can
differ depending on the country.
3.1.1. Connecting the power tool to the socket of the REMS Pull 2 L / REMS Pull 2 M
The vacuum cleaner is prepared as described in 2.5. and 2.5.1. Switch the
vacuum cleaner on at the On/Off switch (21). When the power tool connected
to the socket for power tools with automatic switch-on (16) is switched on, the
vacuum cleaner starts almost simultaneously. When the power tool is switched
off, the vacuum cleaner continues running for approx. 15 s to empty the suction
hose (13). The vacuum cleaner must be switched off at the On/Off switch (21)
after completing the work. The On/Off switch (21) must be set to “1” for wet
3.1.2. Connecting the power tool to a separate socket
The vacuum cleaner is prepared as described in 2.5. and 2.5.2. Switch the
vacuum cleaner on at the On / Off switch (21). Then switch on the power tool
connected to a separate socket. At the end of work, switch off the power tool
and then the vacuum cleaner about 15 s later at the On/Off switch (21) to allow
time for the suction hose (13) to empty. The On/Off switch (21) must be set to
“1” for wet extraction.
3.2. Building site or area cleaning
The vacuum cleaner is prepared as described in 2.6. Switch the vacuum cleaner
on at the On / Off switch (21). The On/Off switch (21) must be set to “1” for wet
3.3. Shutting down and transporting
REMS Pull 2 M: Turn the suction hose (13) on the suction hose connecting
nozzle (12) as far to the left as it goes and remove. Insert the plug for the suction
hose connecting nozzle (1) as far as it goes. Open the vacuum cleaner top part
locks (3) and remove the vacuum cleaner top part (2) from the tank (1). Empty
the tank (1). Use a suitable respirator and disposable overalls Observe the
national regulations. Place the top part of the vacuum cleaner (2) back onto
the tank (1), snap in the locks on the top part of the vacuum cleaner (3). The
wet/dry surface attachment (20) with suction pipes (19), handle (17), joint
attachment (18) can be fastened in the holders (23) on the vacuum cleaner.
Hang the suction hose (13) and connecting lead on the holder (26). Block the
position of the vacuum cleaner with the castor with brake. Place the cleaned
and dried vacuum cleaner in a dry room and secure against unauthorised use.
4. Service
Notwithstanding the maintenance described below, it is recommended to have
the power tool sent to an authorised REMS contract service workshop at least
once a year for inspection and periodic checking of electrical devices. In
Germany, such periodic testing of electrical devices should be performed in
accordance with DIN VDE 0701-0702 and also prescribed for mobile electrical
equipment according to the accident prevention rules DGUV, regulation 3
"Electrical Systems and Equipment". In addition, the respective national safety
provisions, rules and regulations valid for the application site must be considered
and observed.
4.1. Maintenance
Pull out the mains plug before maintenance work!
Keep the vacuum cleaner as well as the ventilation slits of the air outlet (24)
and motor cooling air inlet (25) on the top part of the vacuum cleaner (2) clean.
Empty the tank (1) after ever use. Use a dust mask and disposable overalls.
Observe the national regulations. Clean the top part of the vacuum cleaner (2)
and the tank (1) occasionally with a damp cloth.
Open the fi lter cover (9) and remove the fl at folded fi lter (10) after wet cleaning.
Remove the top part of the vacuum cleaner (2) from the tank (1) and empty
the tank. Observe the national regulations. Let all parts dry to avoid mould.
Then completely assemble the top part of the vacuum cleaner (2) and tank (1).
Make sure that liquids never get into the inside of the top part of the vacuum
cleaner (2). Never immerse the vacuum cleaner in liquid.
Change the fl at folder fi lter, fi lled fi lter bag and polythene bag in good time or
empty the tank (1) in good time. Clean the fi lling level limiting electrodes (23)
with a brush and check regularly for signs of damage.
For maintenance by the user the machine must be dismantled, cleaned and
serviced as far as possible without posing any danger to the maintenance
personnel and other persons. Suitable safety precautions include detoxifi cation
before dismantling, provision of locally fi ltered forced ventilation where the
machine is dismantled, cleaning of the maintenance area and suitable personal
safety gear.
4.2. Inspection / repair
Pull out the mains plug before carrying out maintenance or repair work!
This work may only be performed by qualifi ed personnel.
Switch off the electrical device immediately if dust escapes (e.g. fi lter
The fault must be repaired before restarting.
Switch off the electrical device immediately if foam or liquid escapes.
Clean the fi lling level limiting device regularly and inspect for signs of damage.
It is recommended to send the electrical device to an authorised REMS service
shop for inspection/maintenance after approximately 250 operating hours or
at least once a year.
Regardless of this, the national inspection intervals for mobile electrical equip-
ment on building sites must be observed.
A dust inspection must be conducted at least once a year by the manufacturer
or an instructed person, e.g. for damage to the fi lter, tightness of the vacuum
cleaner and function of the control device. For vacuum cleaners of dust class
M which were in a contaminated environment, the outside and all machine
parts should be cleaned or treated with sealants before being removed from
the hazardous area. All parts must be considered contaminated when they are
taken out of the hazardous area and suitable measures must be taken to avoid
spreading of the dust. All contaminated parts which cannot be cleaned satis-
factorily must be changed when performing maintenance and repair work. Such
parts must be disposed of in tight bags for the proper disposal of such waste.
Observe the national regulations.
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