Programming (Pairing) of Receiver and Remote Control
Install of bracket to hold Receiver Casing
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Fix the bracket as shown on the picture.
Ensure deeper bending on the top.
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Make sure the connection is right
according to connection instruction
Once power is connected, LED turns green
Delete Receiver Memory:
1. Press the learning button on the receiver LED turns red.
2. Continue pressing the button (about 8s) until LED turns green.
3. Release the learning button, LED turns red (about 1s) then turns green.
It indicates all memory has been deleted successfully.
Programming (Pairing) of Receiver & Remote:
1. Press the learning button on the receiver LED turns red.
It indicates learning mode activated and waiting for remote signal.
2. Press RF remote same button twice, LED blinks for several times.
3. LED turns green one pairing is successfully.
Motor rotates up and down
in the right direction
Please switch cable connection on the
connector (or re-do pairing using
“opposite direction button” of RF remote)
Motor rotates up and down
in the wrong direction
Programming (Pairing)
Safety Instruction
1) For security, please read the instructions carefully before initial operation; making sure that the power is off before connection.
2) Please clear the memory of RF Receiver before initial operation.
3) Do not learn the remote control when the motor is operating in order to avoid mis-operation.
4) The received signal may be interfered by other communication devices. (Example: the wireless control system with the same frequency range)
5) It is forbidden to control high-risk coefficient equipment / system. (Example: cranes)
6) It is used only for the manual remote control and wireless control equipment / system which must not endanger life or property
during running failure, or its security risks have been eliminated.
7) It should be applied in dry indoor place or in the electric appliance place.