: if 999 has been set as the password and
999 V Q J1 J is sent
4 SMS with all data about the device state and configuration will be received.
Request for information about the modem and GSM signal
Switch on time (measured in tenths of a second)
Signal level (0 to 31) and noise level
Relays and supply state, and temperature
Request for information about the state of the device
State of the first relay (ON, OFF, ON(t): timed,
[Value]C: its activation depends on the
thermostat, [Value]C(F): cold mode)
State of the second relay
If the alarm SMS sending system is active or not
State of the main power supply
If the maximum temperature alarm has been
fired it will show TMAX. If the minimum
temperature one was, it will show TMIN
Current temperature measured by the probe
STR: [Value]
M: [A/B/C/D/E/F]
E: [ ]/[ ]/[ ]
H: [Value]
AF: [ ]
AS: [ ]
TMAX: [Value]
TMIN: [Value]
FT: [Value]
AU: [N/A/Value]
R: [ ]
Delay of the temperature alarm (in minutes)
Request for a configuration summary message
Configuration of the periodical verification SMS
State of activation of the control inputs and the
alarm reset button
Thermostat hysteresis (in steps of 0.5 degrees)
Power supply failure and recovery alarms
Activation state of the probe failure alarm
Highest temperature for the TMAX alarm
Lowest temperature for the TMIN alarm
Delay of the power supply alarms
Configuration of the siren (N: disabled; A:
active until alarm is reloaded; Value: timed siren)
Code of the reset mode of the alarms
Request for the list of recipients of alarm messages
TA: [Tlf. number]
TF: [Tlf. number]
TL: [Value]
CSQ: [Value,Value]
Est: S[ ]R[ ]T[ ]
List of the phone numbers of up to 6 alarm
T: [Value]
TERMO: [ ]
Temperature controller SMX-T80 - User manual
1. Unplug the device from the power supply and the battery.
2. Push the internal reset button on top of the device and keep it down while
you supply the module again. Keep the button pressed for 5 seconds.
System reset
OUTPUT (5 A - 250 VAC)
Connection diagram
Supply (battery not charging)
Supply (when battery charging)
Max. consumption (when battery charging)
Maximum current between GND and the 12
V output (terminals 1 and 4)
GSM modem
GSM bands
GSM antenna provided
Temperature sampling interval
Thermostat sampling interval
Modem reboot delay in case of signal failure
Relays maximum current (R1 and R2)
Input type for the external switches
Operation temperature (device)
Operation temperature (probe)
Maximum measurement error
Maximum humidity
10 - 28 V
17 - 28 V
5 W
70 mA (not protected against
Cinterion MC55i
800 / 900 / 1,800 / 1,900 MHz
900 / 1,800 MHz
5 seconds
15 seconds
10 seconds
5 A (250 VAC)
Digital, voltage free
-5º C to 50º C
-25º C to 85º C
± 1º C
70 %
146 x 105 x 45 mm
1. The default password is 1.
2. All alarm destination phone numbers are erased.
3. Power supply failure alarms are deactivated.
4*. The alarm reset button and the external control inputs are enabled.
5. The automatic alarm reset mode is set.
(*) The module has a reset button on its top side that allows to reload the alarms.
In addition, if terminals 2-4 are short-circuited by a pulse the state of the second
relay is inverted (outputs 22-24). If it is terminals 3-4 that are short-circuited, then
the state of the first relay is inverted (outputs 12-14). See command *I.
Default configuration
Commands to request information
Dimensions (mm)
1. Plug in the external alarm.
2. Insert the SIM card into the module by pushing the side yellow button (1).
3. Connect the device to its power supply and this to the main power supply.
NOTE: the PIN code request must be disabled on the SIM card for it to work.
Check your mobile phone manual for instructions on how to disable it.
A backup battery may be used optionally. In case you would like to use it
charge the battery completely before connecting it to the BATTERY connector.
Technical features
First steps
Ctra. Méntrida a Aldea del Fresno s/n. 45930 Méntrida. Toledo. Spain. Tel: +34 91 812 42 84 Fax: +34 91 817 85 65 E-mail: [email protected] www.relequick.com
AUTOMATIC: an alarm message is sent every time the activation conditions are
fulfilled. This mode is not recommended for environments where temperature
fluctuates a lot around the limit values.
TIMED: the alarm is activated immediately when the activation conditions are
fulfilled. It will then keep blocked for the specified time interval, after which it
will be reloaded and ready to be fired again.
MANUAL: the alarm is activated once whenever the activation conditions are
fulfilled. It will then keep blocked until manually reset, and so it will not send any
messages again unless it is reloaded.
Alarm reset modes