REL Reference Theater Connec,on
Gibraltar’s filter, opera1ng completely independently of the primary crossover, provides for dedicated .1
inputs and crossover func1on. The pure Dolby® Labs .1 protocol is observed featuring a dedicated fourth-order
filter fixed at 120Hz. Connec1on is via either XLR or RCA sockets for the .1 input. Gain is adjustable completely
independently of the high-level connec1on.
When both the high and .1 input are employed it is possible to obtain the ul1mate performance available
from soundtracks, as the main speakers are permi2ed to run full range producing the most natural sound
from high quality speakers. The REL high-level connec1on extends and supports the main speakers, turning
them into truly full-range devices while the dedicated .1 channel informa1on encoded in the soundtrack is
fed to its own REL channel and gain can be perfectly set to extract maximum dynamics from a film. Truly the
best of all worlds.
A Tower of Gibraltar
Gibraltar is designed to allow mul1ple units to be used in conjunc1on either as ver1cally stacked towers,
stereo pairs, or the ul1mate set: ver1cal tower stacks of stereo subs. Stacked towers extend and strengthen
the performance. To render connec1vity simple, Gibraltar provides both inputs and outputs for all connec1ons.
Thus, a stack of Gibraltar can be connected using only one cable from the main amplifier. In a .1 film sound
configura1on each channel will require a .1 cable as well, but addi1onal units in a tower may be daisy-
chained to minimize clu2er. Stacked Gibraltar subs have the ability to effortlessly energize even the largest
of salons with huge wavefronts of air, from the most delicate cello pizzicato to the most crushing of pipe
organs played at triple forte, Gibraltar possesses the ability to convey the musical event or film sound
spectacularly and with ease.
In summa1on, Gibraltar delivers performance close to our internal reference unit—Studio III—at less than
half the cost when used singly. When used in mul1ples, especially when deployed in ver1cal towers of
stereo sub bass systems, Gibraltar’s performance is capable of outperforming this standard and, in musically
relevant terms, any other commercially available sub system we know of at the 1me of this wri1ng.