9. App-Registration
First go to your App Store/Google Play Store and install the app „Scent-WIFI“. After success-
fully downloading and installing it, you can open the app and start the registration process.
You can choose between an email registration or a mobile registration.
9.1 E-mail registration:
- Press
Don´t have an account? Sign up
at the start
Please enter E-Mail:
Enter your email address (B)
- After sending the e-mail address you will receive
the activation code (vertify code) by e-mail to
your mailbox, from [email protected]
(may take a few minutes, check SPAM mailbox if necessary).
- Now enter the following information (C):
Password (assign your own password)
Enter password again (Confirm password)
Enter vertify code (Verification Code)
- Press
Sign up
- Now enter into the main menu
log in with your username and your
Confirm the entry with
*Username: use your e-mail adress as username