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Error Messages
(1 of 2)
E01 The thermostat was unable to read a piece of information stored
in its memory. The thermostat was required to load the factory
settings. The thermostat will stop operation until all settings are
checked. To clear this error, select the Installer access level and check
all of the settings in the Adjust and Schedule menus.
E02 There are no active sensors selected on the thermostat. Either the
internal sensor must be turned on or at least one auxiliary sensor must
be set to either INDR or SLAB. After the fault is corrected, press any
button to clear the error message.
Room Short
The thermostat’s internal air sensor is short circuit. This cannot be
repaired in the field. The thermostat should be replaced or returned for
Room Open
The thermostat’s internal air sensor is open circuit. This cannot be
repaired in the field. Either turn off the internal sensor and use an
auxiliary sensor set to INDR or replace the thermostat. After the fault
is corrected, press any button to clear the error message.
Sensor 1 Short
The auxiliary sensor connected to the Sens 1 terminal is short circuit.
Locate and repair the problem as described in the appropriate sensor
brochure. After the fault is corrected, press any button to clear the error