Montrose Woodfire
During constant use, ashes should be removed
every few days.
Safety Precautions
1) Do not allow ashes to build up to the loading
doors. Only remove ashes when the fire has
died down. Even then, expect to find a few
hot embers.
2) Please take care to prevent the build-up of
ash around the start-up air housing located
inside the stove box, under the loading door
4) The firebricks are brittle and can be damaged
if pieces that are too large are forced/thrown in.
5) Shovel out the ash into an appropriate container
for removing ashes. The ash can still have hot
embers so dispose of carefully. A large metal pail
pail designed for ash removal is recommended. It
should come with a tight fitting lid and wire handle
for carrying.
6) Leave about 25mm of ash in the firebox. It will
make it easier to build and maintain a fire. The hot
coals tend to nestle into the ash and glow, adding
more heat to the fuel and reflecting the heat back
into the fire.
When wood is burned slowly, it produces tar and
other organic vapours, which when combined with
moisture, form creosote. The creosote vapours
condense in the relatively cool chimney flue of a
slow burning fire. As a result, creosote residue
accumulates on the flue lining. When ignited, this
creosote can result in an extremely hot fire.
WARNING: Things to remember in case
of a chimney fire:
1. Close all draft and damper controls.
Ways to Prevent and Keep Unit Free
of Creosote
Burn stove with the draft control wide open for
about 10-15 minutes every morning during burning
Burn stove with draft control wide open for about
10 - 15 minutes every time you apply fresh wood.
This allows the wood to achieve the charcoal stage
faster and burns up any unburned gas vapours which
might otherwise be deposited within the system.
3) Only burn seasoned wood!
Avoid burning wet
or green wood. Seasoned wood has been dried at
least one year.
A small hot fire is preferable to a large smoulder-
ing one that can deposit creosote within the system.
The chimney should be inspected at least once
every two months during the heating season to
determine if a creosote buildup has occured.
Have chimney system and unit cleaned by
competent chimney sweeps twice a year during
the first year of use and at least once a year
thereafter or when a significant layer of creosote
has accumulated (3 mm/1/8" or more) it should
be removed to reduce the risk of a chimney fire.
Your Regency stove is supplied with Neoceram
ceramic glass that will withstand the highest heat
that your unit will produce. In the event that you
break your glass by impact, purchase your replace-
ment from an authorized Regency dealer only, and
follow our step-by-step instructions for replacement.
Allow the stove to cool down before cleaning the
glass, do not clean the glass when it is hot and do not
use abrasive cleaners as both will damage the glass.
The door latch may require adjustment as the door
gasket material compresses over time.
Follow the steps below to allow the latch to be moved
closer to the door frame, causing a tighter seal
Unscrew latching sleeve.
Move door latch back towards the firebox by a
few millimetres.
Retighten latch bolts.
Remove the door from the stove and remove
the glass retainer. Position the glass in the door,
make sure that the glass gasketing will properly
seal your unit, and replace the retainer, it should
rest on the gasket not the glass. Tighten securely,
but do not wrench down on the glass as this may
cause the glass to break. Replacement Glass Part
Number: 2510221