Other notable improvements include the input switches (relays) and rotary
volume control. The input relays are in the optimum position, being placed
directly between the input sockets and the amplifier input, shortening the signal
path at this critical stage.
Remote control has been added to the
for the first time without
compromising the sonic design of the amplifier. This was achieved by keeping
the remote circuit separate to the audio circuit and having its own dedicated
power supply (via a separate winding on the mains transformer). There is no
direct contact between the microcontroller and the signal path, as the
microcontroller controls the relays and volume control motor is using DC
control voltages.
During the
design process Rega reviewed the circuit and improved
the low and high current power supplies, coupling and bypass capacitors,
(where film capacitors are used throughout the signal path). The phono stage
has been improved to reflect the current improvements in the Rega Planar
turntables, where the input sensitivity has been increased along with a revision
of the sub 100Hz part of the phono frequency response.
Brio-R manual:Cursa manual.qxd 08/04/2011 09:25 Page 4