Logic "1"
≥ 15 V
2���15 mA
≥ 11 V
15���30 mA
Logic "0"
≤ 5 V
leakage current 0�2 mA
The interface corresponds to interface type C class 1 according to the ZVEI
position paper "Klassifizierung binärer 24-V-Schnittstellen mit Testung im Bereich
der Funktionalen Sicherheit" (Classification of binary 24V interfaces tested with
regard to functional safety)�
8.1.4 Cross fault / short circuit
• A cross fault between both outputs (A1 and A2) is detected by the fail-safe
sensor and results in the outputs (OSSD) being switched off at the next safety
request� The outputs A1 and A2 remain switched off until the error has been
removed or a voltage reset has been carried out�
• A cross fault (short circuit) between output A2 and the supply voltage results in
the other output A1 being switched off in case of a safety request�
• When there is no current flow on the output stage, back feeding > 3�5 V will
lead to malfunction�
• The device carries out self-tests for the switch-off capability on A2�