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5. After each use of the electric scooter, the scooter should be charged to prolong its
6. Do not store the electric scooter battery where temperatures exceed 30°C or 0°C
(e.g. do not leave the battery in a car during the summertime).
7. Never leave the battery near a fire.
Lithium-ion batteries are highly flammable
8. If the battery is exposed to high temperatures, it will overheat and deteriorate,
which could result in a fire.
9. If the electric scooter has not been charged for a prolonged time of up to 30 days,
make sure to charge the battery and store it in a cool, dry place. The battery mustn’t
be left uncharged for over 60 days, otherwise, the battery health is jeopardised and is
likely to fail (not covered by our warranty services).
10. The electric scooter will generally perform better and ride for a greater distance
in average outdoor and indoor temperatures; if the scooter is used in temperatures
below 0°C its performance will decrease.
11. At -20°C the distance the electric scooter will be able to travel will decrease and
be half or less than the distance of riding in average temperatures.
12. A fully charged electric scooter runs about 120-180 days of standby time. The
battery has a smart chip that stores information about the charging history. If the
battery is not being fully charged this can cause serious damage to the battery and
could result in being unchargeable. This type of damage is not covered by our warranty
Unauthorised individuals should not dismantle the device, as this could
result in an electric shock or serious injury due to the short circuit system.