Pantone 534 Blue
Pantone 123 Yellow
Pantone 485 Red
Pantone 123 Yellow
Pantone 534 Blue
Rich Black -
Blue - 100/80/30/5
Yellow - 0/27/100/0
Red - 10/100/100/5
Yellow - 0/27/100/0
Blue - 100/80/30/5
Only if you REALLY need them:
Pantone 534 Blue - 100/80/30/5
Pantone 485 Red - 10/100/100/5
Pantone 123 Yellow - 0/27/100/
Backlight ON/OFF
After powering the meter ON, the LCD Backlight will turn on automati-
cally. While taking measurements, press the Backlight Button and the LCD
Backlight will turn off. Press the Backlight Button once again to turn the
LCD Backlight back ON.
Preparation Before Executing the Datalogger Function:
1) Insert the optional SD card into the SD card socket.
2) Before you use an SD card with this meter for the first time, it is
recommend to format the SD card. See Advanced Settings section
of this manual for instructions.
3) If this is the first time the meter is used you need to adjust the
clock. See Advanced Settings section of this manual for instruc-
4) Now you need to set the decimal format. The numerical data struc-
ture downloaded to the SD card is defaulted used the “.” as the
decimal, for example “20.6” “1000.53”. But in certain countries the
“,” is used as the decimal point, for example “20,6” “1000,53”. See
Advanced Settings section of this manual for instructions on how
to change the Decimal Character.
Auto Datalogger (Set sampling time ≥1 second)
1) Start Datalogging; press the REC Button, and the “REC” symbol
will appear on the LCD screen, then press the Logger Button, the
“REC” symbol will flash while the measuring data and time informa-
tion is being saved in memory. To set the sampling time, and to
toggle the beeper sound on or off, refer to the Advanced Settings
section of this manual.
2) Pause the Datalogging; while Datalogging, if press the Logger But-
ton once. While paused, the “REC” symbol will stop flashing. Press
the Logger Button again to resume Datalogging, and the “REC”
symbol will begin to flash again.
The Laboratory Supply Company!