Pantone 534 Blue
Pantone 123 Yellow
Pantone 485 Red
Pantone 123 Yellow
Pantone 534 Blue
Rich Black -
Blue - 100/80/30/5
Yellow - 0/27/100/0
Red - 10/100/100/5
Yellow - 0/27/100/0
Blue - 100/80/30/5
Only if you REALLY need them:
Pantone 534 Blue - 100/80/30/5
Pantone 485 Red - 10/100/100/5
Pantone 123 Yellow - 0/27/100/
ables you to make ion-selective, ORP (oxidation-reduction potential), and
other precise mV measurements.
1. Press the Function Button so the unit switches from “pH” to “mV”.
To return to pH measurements, press the Function Button again.
2. Connect the optional ORP Electrode Plug into the pH/BNC
3. The Display will show the mV value.
This meter has been manufactured for use with an pH Electrode that
generates 0mV at pH7.00 (177.4mV at pH4). If your pH Electrode does not
meet those specifications, calibration procedures are necessary. Calibra-
tion also ensures accurate measurements.
Required Equipment for Calibration
1. Optional pH Electrode
2. Optional pH Buffer Solutions
Calibration Procedure
1. Connect the Optional pH Electrode into the pH/BNC Socket.
2. Turn the meter on by pressing the Power Button.
3. Adjust the Temperature Compensation Value to make it same
as the temperature value of the pH buffer solution. Refer to the
Advanced Settings section of this manual for instructions. For
Automatic Temperature Compensation, plug in the optional ATC
4. Hold the Electrode Handle and let the Sensing head get fully im-
mersed the measured solution. Shake the pH Electrode to let the
probe’s internal air bubble drift out from the sensing head. The
top display will show the pH value. If using the ATC probe, both
probes into the solution together.
5. Press and hold the REC Button and the HOLD Buttons until the
screen displays “PH” on the main screen, and “CAL” on the lower
part of the screen.
continued ...