Reed Manufacturing Company
1425 West 8th Street
Erie, PA 16502 USA
Phone 814-452-3691 or 800-666-3691
Fax: 814-455-1697 or 800-456-1697
Safety Considerations
— Pressure control situations requiring squeeze-off
may involve working in the vicinity of escaping gas. Consider the possibil-
ity and potential hazard of static electricity and observe safety precautions.
Safety precautions regarding static electricity generally include performing
squeeze-off in a separate bellhole remote from the blowing gas; applying
a wet rag/tape to the pipe surface; and spraying area with a fine water mist
to provide for the dissipation of static charge to the ground — grounding the
squeeze-off tool.* Check the squeeze-off tool prior to use to assure it is the
correct size; is properly functioning; and is properly adjusted for the
squeeze-off to be done.
*Consider using Reed’s Grounding Accessory (#04619) and Static Discharge Alarm (#04620).
Additional information on static electricity is available in the A.G.A.Plastic Pipe Manual for Gas
Service, Copyright 1989.
NOTE: Metric stops #98124 comply with ISO 4437.
PE Squeeze-Off Tool Instructions
PES2 Models
CAPACITY: 1/2” - 2”
1. Follow all safety procedures.
2. Determine pipe/tube size and wall thickness
to be squeezed. Set stops for over-squeeze
3. Assemble tool handle where desired.
4. Insert ground probe into moist soil.
5. Unscrew the main pressure screw.
6. Lift and swing bottom bar.
7. Center the squeeze-off tool on and square to
pipe. This will allow pipe to flatten without
jamming pipe against tie rods.
8. Swing bar back over tie rods.
9. Turn the feed screw to compress the pipe at
a slow rate with momentary pauses to allow
stress relaxation in the pipe to occur. This is
particularly important when pipe is stiff in cold
10. Squeeze the pipe only until flow is controlled or
bottom bar contacts over-squeeze protection
stops. Operation beyond this point may cause
damage to pipe or tool.
Tool Removal
1. A release rate of 1/2 inch per minute or less
should be maintained to prevent damage to
pipe as recommended by ASTM F1041.
2. Rerounding the pipe can be done by rotating
tool 90˚ and applying enough force to round
3. Inspect squeezed section for damage before
covering. Procedures should be followed that
will prevent the same area to be squeezed-off
more than once.