1 0
M aximum, M inimum, Aver age and Differ ent ial Funct ions
Press the MODE button to toggle between MAX/MIN/AVG/DIF modes.
The temperature value of corresponding modes are shown in the
secondary display area.
Set t ing t he High Temper at ur e Alar m
Press the SET button once to enter the high alarm limit setup. Use the UP
and DOWN buttons to set temperature value. Press the UP and DOWN
buttons to add or subtract 1. Hold the UP or DOWN buttons to add or
subtract 10 temperature values. The instrument will exit the setup after 5
seconds of inactivity.
REED Inst r ument s
1 -8 7 7 -8 4 9 -2 1 2 7 | info@r eedinst r ument s.com | www.r eedinst r ument s.com