35℃. If more than 35 ℃, then the recycled water need to be replaced or add the ice into
the water to cool down the water (Recommends that users select the water chiller, or use
two water tanks).
Cleaning tank (Changing the water): Firstly turn off the power, unplug the tube inlet, let the
water of the laser tube flow into the tank automatically, unplug the water pipe and signal
cable. Open the water tank, clean out the dirt of the water chiller, replace the circulating
water, connect the water pipe and signal cable, order all joints. Turn on the power, and
run for 2-3 minutes (Make sure the laser tube filled with circulating water).
7.2.2 The cleaning of the exhausted fan
As a long time usage for the exhausted fan, will accumulate a lot of solid dust inside the
fan to make the great noise, and also it is bad for exhaust and clean the smell. When the
fan have insufficient suction and poor smoking, we should turn off the power, unload pipe
inlet and outlet on the fan, clean the dust inside, then invert the fan, and stir the fan blade,
until it is cleaned up, then install the fan well.
7.2.3 Lens cleaning (Recommend cleaning before work every day,the device must be in a
shutdown condition), there are three mirrors and one focus lens on the machine (No.1
mirror is in the exit of laser tube (Upper left corner of the machine), No.2 mirror is in the
left of crossbeam, No.3 mirror is on the top of the fixed part of laser head, focus lens is
inside the adjustable lens cone ) , Laser is launched from the laser head by reflected
through these mirrors, focused. Lens is easy to get the dust or other contaminants,
caused the laser reduction or lens damaged. Dont need to take off the No.1 and No.2
mirrors when cleaning, just use the paper with the washing liquid to make the rotating