1x alloy Cill or Built in Base; 2x Glazing Bars; 2x Roof Corner Bars (marked “R” at the apex);
2x Side Corner Bars (unmarked); 2x Diagonal Cross Ties; 1x Heavy Angle Brace.
From the main bag of fittings you will require the nuts and bolts.
You will also require 2x Eave plates and 1x Ridge plate. These are packed with the Casement Stays and are
separate from the main bag of fittings.
Lay out the frame as though you were standing on the inside i.e. with the volt slot uppermost. Roof corners marked “R” at
the apex, opposite each other, facing downwards (i.e. “R” on outside). Roof corner bars are mitred at both ends where as
the side corner bars are mitred at one end only (Key Point). The bolt slot is on the inside and faces inwards during initial
construction. If you have a painted greenhouse there is not letter “R” on the corner bar. You must ensure that the
“middle” hole is nearer to the ridge plate than the eaves plate (Key point). Slide the glazing beading into the “V” groove of
the glazing bar and the corner bars. (Do not put beading into the middle slot).
Slide two bolts into the bolt channels of each corner bar. These will later be used in the general assembly for fixing the
ridge, eave and cill to the ends. Now secure the ridge Gusset Plate and Eaves Gusset Plates by inserting bolts through the
‘plates’ and into the holes punched in the flange of the corner bar, at the apex and eave.
Attach the bottom cill or built in base to the side corner bars by inserting a bolt through the hole in the flange of the corner
bar and into the slot in the cill. (Make sure the angle cill is facing downwards). (Key point).
Attach the vertical glazing bars to the cill or built in base by inserting a bolt into the bolt channel of the glazing bars and
locating it with the punched holes in the cill. Before securing the nuts attach the diagonal angle ties to the same bolts as
illustrated. The top of the diagonal angle tie now attaches to the prefabricated holes in the side corner bar.
Slide two bolts into the bolt channel at the top of the two vertical glazing bars and secure the second one to the roof corner
bars by inserting the bolt through the punched hole in the flange.
You can now attach the horizontal angle brace to the top bolt of the gusset plates and to the other bolts in the glazing bars
you inserted in 5, above.
Check that all angles between the cill or built in base and the vertical members are at right angles and that the glazing bars
are right into the angle cill at the bottom. (Key point).