RGMP8 Setup and Users Guide
About Us
A little information about REDGUM Audio
Ian Robinson – REDGUM Audio
Reprinted from Australian Hi-Fi Volume 30 Number 7 July 1999
In the US, the brand name Redgum conjures up a chewing confection: in the UK, it’s a colourful kind of
adhesive. But to a growing cult of dollar-conscious audiophiles around the world, it means superbly
faithful, bulletproof and affordable-and Australian-made-MOSFET amplification.
Redgum equipment is named for its stunning real-wood redgum fascia plates, and is lifted further out of
the pack by using a unique user key as its on/off switch. The story of Redgum Audio’s birth and evolu-
tion reflects often uncannily, and not always favourably, on the ‘progress’ of massmarket audio over the
past three decades.
Founder and principal of Redgum Audio, Ian Robinson, was born and bred in Melbourne and educated
at technical college, where he studied electronic engineering. Like many a young hi-fi industry aspirant,
he didn’t complete his studies because, as he puts it, “business got easier and study got harder”. From
tech. he joined Victoria’s State Electricity Commission, and worked alongside Ralph Bridges who was
soon to be Claybridge PA Systems. Ralph commissioned Ian to build his speaker boxes, and he
registered his first venture, Chelsound Electronics, in 1967 at the age of only 20. He had already been
trading for some time before that, giving him a strong claim to being one of Australia’s longest estab-
lished audio and hi-fi manufacturers. Other more contentious claims for Redgum Audio include the first
Australian-made CD player, and the first all Australian system from source to speakers.
For more information and products please visit www.redgumaudio.com