Red Dot Corporation P.O. Box 88790, Seattle, WA 98138 (425) 251-6897 Fax (425) 251-3934
RD-3-9821-0 REV -
For Reference Only. Subject to change without notice
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Model R-9777
Air Conditioner /
1. Please read instructions all the way through, making sure you have all the parts and tools.
2. While working on or around a vehicle, disconnect the battery to prevent accidental start-up or electrical shorts.
3. Use care so as not to release any R-134a refrigerant into the atmosphere.
4. A/C systems operate under high pressure. At 77°F the R-134a container will be pressurized to approximately
80 psi. Use caution when working with these materials. Goggles are recommended.
5. To function properly the A/C system must be clean and dry. Keep caps or protective covers on all refrigerant
hoses and fittings until final assembly.
1. A compressor, compressor bracket, belts and refrigerant hoses are required to complete the installation.
These items may be obtained from your RED DOT Distributor.
2. The compressor must have sufficient capacity to allow the unit to deliver the rated BTU output. An 8 cubic
inch compressor turning faster than 1,750 rpm is required.
3. For pressurizing the cab and drawing fresh air, 78R 5110 remote mount filter is available with booster blower
(73R 9202-12V or 73R 9204-24V).
1. Connect drain hose and 90° elbows as provided in the
installation kit (RD-3-9146) to the unit.(See Figure 1)
2. Determine the location for mounting the heater-air
Conditioner unit per Red Dot template.
a. Refer to figure 2.
b. Mark the front-to-rear centerline of the cab on the
outside of the cab roof.
c. Place the mounting template on the roof using the
centerline as a guide.
d. Ensure that air flow to the unit is not obstructed.
e. Do not mount the unit with the front lower than the
rear, as this will prohibit water drainage.
f. Avoid cuffing roof stiffeners if possible. If stiffeners
are cut or roof is weakened due to the cut-out,
reinforcement may be required.
3. Tape the template to the roof at the desired location.
Mark the roof cut-out area (scribe the roof).
NOTE: Before taping the template to the roof, decide
what direction the unit is to be oriented. It is
recommended that the "recirc inlet" be to the rear and the
"discharge air" be positioned toward the front of the cab
(This puts the condenser at the front and the plumbing to
the rear).