Controls and Functions
6. CH1 MIC/LINE fader
Adjust the volume of the sound input from the microphone or other line source connected to CH1. Also
controls the volume for the headset microphone input.
7. EFFECT processor (DELAY & LEVEL knob/ MUTE switch)
A high-quality digital effect processor for the CH1 input.
• DELAY: Adjust the time interval of echo repeat.
• LEVEL: Adjust the EFFECT volume, add to CH1.
• MUTE: Press to turn off CH1 effect rendering.
8. CH2 INST (Guitar – ¼” INPUT) jack (UNBAL MONO)
Connect an electric guitar/bass using a mono phone jack. This socket can also be used to connect a
mono line level instrument. Just release the impedance switch for a line input. See point 9 below.
9. INPUT - INST / LINE (LINE / INST-HI-Z) Impedance switch
Press this switch on when directly connecting an instrument with high output impedance to the CH2
INST unbalanced mono input jack, such as an electric guitar or bass. Release this switch when
connecting a regular line-level unbalanced mono instrument to the CH2 INST phone socket.
CAUTION: When operating this switch, use an unbalanced cable with ¼”phone plugs for
connecting devices to CH INST, and turn all output controls (such as the MAIN L/R and
PHONES knobs) fully to “0” minimum position. Sudden high level peaks caused by the
switching operation can damage external devices, as well as the hearing of those present.
Figure 3
5. LOW/MID/HIGH EQ (3-band for CH1)
A responsive 3-band EQ provides inde-
pendent controls for LOW/MID/HIGH
frequency bands. The Low and High bands
are shelving filters which operate on the
low frequencies below 80Hz and the high
frequencies above 12kHz respectively. The
Mid band is a bell shaped peak/dip filter,
which impacts the mid-range frequencies
centring on 2.5kHz.