A 1717 Message Player
Redback® Proudly Made In Australia
Step 4:
Open the Trig1 folder and you should see an MP3 file which could be named Trigger1.MP3 as shown in figure 5.
Fig 5
This MP3 file needs to be deleted and replaced by the MP3 file you want to play when you activate trigger1. The MP3 file
name is not important. But it is important that there is only one MP3 file in the trig1 folder.
Step 5:
Delete the trigger1.MP3 file and replace with the MP3 file of your choosing which in our case is Trigger1Music.
Fig 6
Step 6:
Check the properties of the MP3 file.
NOTE the new MP3 file cannot be “Read only”. To check this, right click on the MP3 file and scroll down and select Prop-
erties, you will get a window that looks like figure 7.