*Read instructions carefully before installing filter
1. Introduction to mechanical, biological, chemical and UV filtration.
I n an aquatic environment organic particles (left over food, excrement, dead
algae etc.) are always produced, which if not removed will result in a high bio-
load that encourages the development of harmful bacteria. Also as fish digest
their food and as bacteria break down fish food and other organic matter,
ammonia, (which is toxic to fish) is set free into the water. The following types
of filtration methods are employed to remove these effects and maintain a
suitable environment.
Mechanical Filtration
- is the physical removal of particulate matter from the
water.This is achieved by introducing a mechanical barrier in the water flow
that traps particles of a certain size according to the filter material used. A
mechanical filter is only effective when it is cleaned regularly, otherwise bacteria
will settle in and start breaking down the collected dirt, thus setting minerals
free into the water as well as becoming a bio-filter resulting in increased nitrate
Biological Filtration
- is the process by which aerobic (nitrifying) bacteria of
the genus Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter oxidize the toxic ammonia through
nitrite, (which is only slightly less toxic than ammonia) to the relatively harmless
nitrate. This process is known as nitrification, and in nature takes place in aquatic
habitats and soils where ammonia and sufficient oxygen are present.
The nitrifying bacteria develop naturally in an aquatic environment and will
colonize any suitable filter media such as the Polystrand filter pads supplied in
the Ocean Clear Filters. Once a biological filter media has been established it
should be disturbed as little as possible since the bacteria colony maintains its
level of activity according to the bio-load present in the system.
Chemical Filtration
- in particular Active Carbon is used to absorb organic
material such as oxidation products of proteins, remains of fish medications
and organic toxicants. It is also effective in removing oxidation products that
are formed by ozonating seawater (slight amounts of chlorine and bromine).
Active carbon should be replaced regularly, since it gets saturated and as
bacteria settle on it, it will eventually work like an ordinary biological filter.
UV Filtration
- Ultraviolet Filtration (sterilization) is a scientifically proven, reliable
and effective method for controlling and eradicating algae spores, bacteria and
protozoa present in the water source. Ultraviolet lights alter the DNA and RNA
of target organisms. UV Filtration is adversely affected by the clarity of the water
(particulate matter in the water reduces the kill rate). Therefore, mechanical
filtration that clarifies the water before the sterilization process, provides the
ultimate solution for aquarium and pond maintenance.
2. Description of Ocean Clear Filter models
The Ocean Clear Filters consist of a robustly designed canister intendend to
work under pressure and house various combinations of Mechanical, Biological,
Installation & Operation
Red Sea’s
Ocean Clear Filters
Red Sea