Before operating or installing
this pump, read this manual and
follow all safety warnings and
operating instructions.
safety warnings
Use this pump for water only, where the vertical suction lift from the
water level is 25 ft. (8m) or less. Head refers to the height of a column
of water that can be delivered by the discharge of the pump (Figure 1).
Suction lift is the vertical distance between the center of the pump and
the surface of the liquid on the suction side of the pump. Discharge
head is the vertical distance between the pump's discharge port and
the point of discharge. Total head is the sum of the suction head and
the discharge head. The elevation above sea level and friction losses
must be taken into consideration.
do not operate this
pump dry.
water is required to lubricate pump seal.
This pump has
been tested and operated under actual working conditions. Engine,
pump, and all accessories were found satisfactory. If the pump is not
performing as specified, check InSTallaTIon and TroUblESHooT-
Ing sections carefully.
For permanent installation, put the pump in a clean,
dry, and ventilated place (Figure 1).
Keep the suction line as short as possible.
This will allow the
pump to operate at maximum performance and ensure that the
casing does not overheat due to the absence of water.
Mount the pump on a rigid foundation to eliminate
creeping due to vibration.
suction line:
Use a suction line the same size as the suction
on the pump. If the suction pipe is long, increase it by one size to
improve flow. Slope the suction line upward to the pump to avoid
air pockets in the line and hard priming.
suction pipe:
Use thread compound on all pipe joints. Connec-
tions must be tight, and pipe should be clean and uncorroded.
suction hose:
If the suction line runs generally vertical, use
an elbow on the hose to prevent kinking. Use double clamps on
all hose joints. Connections must be tight, and a suction strainer
is required to filter abrasive material.
If you use the pump for dewatering, attach a suction
screen to the suction line.
The main cause of pumping problems is a leak in the
suction line. Even a tiny leak reduces priming and pump-
ing greatly.
Carefully read the safety messages in this manual
and on the pump. Keep this manual with the pump at all times.
All persons to whom you rent or lend this pump must have access
to and read this owner's manual. Keep this manual with the pump at
all times and advise all persons who will operate the pump to read it.
You must also provide personal instruction on how to safely operate
the pump, and you must be available to answer any questions that
the renter or borrower might have.
When running, the engine on this pump produces
carbon monoxide, an odorless, colorless, poison gas. Breathing
carbon monoxide can cause nausea, fainting, or death.
• Operate this pump ONLY outdoors.
• Keep exhaust gas from entering a confined area through
windows, doors, ventilation intakes, or other openings.
• Do not operate the pump inside any building, confined area,
or enclosure such as basements, garages, or similar locations,
even if doors and windows are open
• Make sure all connections are tight.
• Never use with flammable fluids.
• Turn off engine before servicing.
• If fuel is spilled, avoid creating any source of ignition until the
fuel vapors have been cleaned up and removed.
• Review instructions before operating.
• Wear ear protection to reduce objectionable noise.
cAuTION: dO NOT OpERATE ThIs pump dRY!
ENGINE-dRIvEN AlumINum TRAsh pump
mOdEl 6RlAG-3lTT & 6RlAG-3hTT
998740 rev.001 4/13