Assembly Instructions For SVC Torch
Kits With a Squeeze Valve and Handle.
Note: Unpack and inspect for damage.
1. Using the
thread compound
supplied with torch kit, connect one
end of the male adaptor to the torch and
tighten securely.
2. Using
thread compound
, connect
the squeeze valve with adjustable pilot
to the other end of the male adaptor.
Tighten securely.
3. Using
thread compound
, connect
the handle grip to the sqeeze valve with
adjustable pilot. Tighten securely.
4. Using
thread compound
, connect
male end of the hose to the female end
of the handle grip. Tighten securely.
5. Using
thread compound
, connect the
female end of the hose to the 1/4” male
end of the P-3200W P.O.L. Tighten
Assembly Instructions For Torch Kits
With a Standard Flame Adjusting Valve.
Note: Unpack and inspect for damage.
1. Using the
thread compound
supplied with torch kit, connect the
male end of the adjusting needle valve
to the female threaded end of the torch
handle. Tighten securely.
2. Using
thread compound
, connect
male end of the hose to the female end
of the adjusting needle valve. Tighten
3. Using
thread compound
connect the female end of the hose
to the 1/4” male end of the P-3200W
P.O.L. Tighten securely.
Assembly Instructions:
Squeeze Valve w/ Adjustable Pilot
U.L. Listed LP Gas Hose
U.L. Listed LP Gas Hose
Pipe Thread
Packet or
Sealant Tape
Pipe Thread
Sealant or Tape Capsule
P.O.L. Fitting
P.O.L. Fitting
Spark Lighter
Spark Lighter
P.O.L. Cap
P.O.L. Cap
Vapor Torch
Male Adapter
Flame Adjusting Needle Valve
Parts List Diagram for Models: • VT 3-30 C • VT 2
-30 C • VT 2
-24 CE
Parts List Diagram for Models: • VT 3-30 SVC • VT 2
-30 SVC • VT 2
-24 SVC