Owner’s Manual:
1400 & 1410
1787021 REV H
ECO 16-0082
Feb 2021
Air & Explosion
www.radiaproducts.com (PHONE) 800-221-1083 | (INTL) +1-763-533-2969 | (FAX) 763-533-0015
Mixer will not operate
Not connected to power source
Connect to power source
Loose or broken wire connection
Have a qualified electrician replace or
repair the wire connection
Limit switch actuator does not
make contact with limit switch
Readjust switch to make contact with limit
switch screw when the cover is closed
Mixer guard is not closed
Remove any obstruction and close the
guard properly
Motor thermal protector activated Allow to cool, then restart
Faulty Remote Switch/Air Switch
Contact Red Devil Equipment Co.
Customer Care
Faulty motor
Contact Red Devil Equipment Co.
Customer Care
Air pressure low or restricted
Check air supply lines
Air lubricator not dripping oil.
re-fill oil reservoir, adjust drip rate, or
replace o-ring.
Pail won’t fit properly into
clamping plates
Pail damaged
Fix or replace pail
Clamp does not hold cans
Clamp threads are worn
Replace the clamp assembly
Mixer does not shut off at the
end of a mixing cycle
Faulty Remote Switch/Air Switch
Contact Red Devil Equipment Co.
Customer Care
Mixer does not shut off when
guards are lifted
Faulty Limit Switch/Air Switch
Contact Red Devil Equipment Co.
Customer Care
Mixer walking
Machine is not on a Red Devil
Equipment Co. approved base
Contact Red Devil Equipment Co.
Customer Care to order a base
Floor is not smooth
Anchor base to the floor, see section 3.5
Excessive noise
Loose nuts on the mounting base. Tighten the nuts.
Guards are loose
Tighten the nuts.
Clamp plate loose
Contact Red Devil Equipment Co.
Customer Care
Worn transmission bearings
Replace transmission assembly
Mixer starts slowly or runs
Loose drive belt
Tighten or replace drive belt
Air pressure low or restricted
Check air supply lines.
Air lubricator not dripping oil
Re-fill oil reservoir, adjust drip rate, replace
Dirty or clogged air filter
Replace air filter
6. Troubleshooting
6. Troubleshooting