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(e) Discovery and Other Rights: Discovery and rights to appeal in arbitration are generally more limited than in a lawsuit. This applies to both you and us.
Other rights that you or we would have in court may not be available in arbitration.
(f) Costs of the Arbitration: Each party is responsible for its own attorney, expert, and other fees unless applicable law requires otherwise. Manufacturer will
pay your share of the fees charged by the arbitration organization and arbitrator(s) beyond the first $200. Where permissible by law, you may be required to
reimburse Manufacturer for the fees of the arbitration organization and arbitrator(s) in whole or in part by decision of the arbitrator(s) at the discretion of the
Filing a Claim
Any claim under this Limited Warranty must be notified to RectorSeal in writing within 30 days following the discovery of the alleged defect accompanied with
(a) proof of purchase including date of purchase; (b) the date and site of installation; and (c) a description of the alleged defect. You must send your claims to:
RectorSeal, LLC
2601 Spenwick Road
Tel: (713) 263-8001
Email: [email protected]
This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary from state to state or province to province.
Manufactured by
RectorSeal LLC 2601 Spenwick Drive, Houston, TX 77055, USA 800-231-3345 Fax 800-441-0051 rectorseal.com
A CSW Industrials Company. RectorSeal, the logos and other trademarks are property of RectorSeal, LLC, its affiliates or its
licensor’s and are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws,
and may not be used without permission. RectorSeal reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice. ©2020 RectorSeal. All rights reserved. R50112-0120