RechargX™ RX207
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Step 9: Locate the Cartridge Reset Chip
The reset chip is located on the left side of the
toner cartridge as shown by the white circle in
figure 10.
Step 10: Remove the First Screw
The cartridge reset chip is held in place by two
small screws.
To begin, use a small philips-head screwdriver
to remove the first of two screws, as shown in
figure 11.
Set this screw aside to be used later.
Step 11: Remove the Second Screw
With the first screw removed, use the
philips-head screwdriver to remove the
second of the two screws, as shown in
figure 12.
Set this screw aside to be used later.
Figure 10: Locate the reset chip
Figure 11: Remove the first screw
Figure 12: Remove the second screw