User Manual of Cross Hair
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2.4.1 Adjusting HIP sensitivity (CONFIG MODE)
D-Pad Up key is for increasing HIP sensitivity. You will see a flashing red light and hear a
higher pitch sound once the key is pressed.
D-Pad Down key is for decreasing HIP sensitivity. You will see a flashing red light and hear
a lower pitch sound once the key is pressed.
2.4.2 Adjusting ADS sensitivity (CONFIG MODE)
D-Pad Right key is for increasing ADS sensitivity. You will see a flashing green light and
hear a higher pitch sound once the key is pressed.
D-Pad Left key is for decreasing ADS sensitivity. You will see a flashing green light and
hear a lower pitch sound once the key is pressed.
2.4.3 Adjusting Vibration Strength (CONFIG MODE)
Triangle/Y key is for increasing vibration strength. You will see a flashing yellow light and
hear a higher pitch sound once the key is pressed.
Cross/A key is for decreasing vibration strength. You will see a flashing yellow light and
hear a lower pitch sound once the key is pressed.
2.4.4 Adjusting FFB Strength (CONFIG MODE)
Circle/B key is for increasing Force Feedback strength. You will see a flashing blue light
and hear a higher pitch sound once the key is pressed.
Square/X key is for decreasing Force Feedback strength. You will see a flashing blue light
and hear a lower pitch sound once the key is pressed.
2.4.5 Mapping keys (CONFIG MODE)
, to begin a key mapping, you should press the
key (PS4/PS3) or
key (XBOX ONE/360). Then the LOGO will show flashing blue. This means you
can choose one key on the controller to be mapped.
Once the key on the controller is pressed, LOGO will show a stable blue light, and then
wait for the corresponding key on the keyboard, mouse, joystick, etc. After selecting your
key, Cross Hair will keep flashing blue again. Then a new key mapping can be continued.
Just like the general key’s mapping, if you are planning to use keys on keyboard or mouse
to replace stick on controller, push the stick to its maximum on one direction (such as Up
direction), LOGO will show a stable blue light, and then wait for the corresponding key on
the keyboard, mouse, etc. After selecting your key, Cross Hair will keep flashing blue
again. Then you can continue to map a new direction of this stick.
After mapping all the keys, you can press SHARE+OPTIONS
PS4 platform
keys on your
controller to exit the
, and end the mapping procedure.