Rx65 - Programming v610
Settings in the Rx can be changed using a standard Tx or a special Programa device (Prog1 or Prog3). All use
the structure in the table below. One output or feature (ie: one row in the table) is programmed at a time. The
first two columns usually select the output and the other three change its characteristics.
provide links to detailed descriptions of each feature. The 'Tx' column is for 'Tx Change' mode.
Options are organised into menus usually relating to a type of output.
Level 1 and 2 usually select the output number (eg: 2-flash for 'P' then 4-flash for 'P4').
You select a row in the table above and make up to 5 choices, one for each level.
1. Switch TX ON. 2. Press and hold F1 & F2.
3. Switch RX ON wait for fast flicker. 4. Release F1 & F2.
Make choices:
6. The led flashes the setting for the first 'Level' (eg: 1-flash = Motor output 'H').
7. Yes = push the Direction switch
forward (to top of Tx) to accept this
option and advance to next Level.
7. Yes = Twist small valve gear
knob to right & back to accept this
option & advance to next Level.
7. Yes = Twist small valve gear
knob to right & back to accept this
option & advance to next Level.
8. No = pull the Direction switch
back (to bottom of Tx) to see next
option for same Level.
8. No = Twist small valve gear
knob to left & back to see next
option for same Level.
8. No = Twist small valve gear
knob to left & back to see next
option for same Level.
9. Continue through all Levels until Led comes on solid.
Settings are saved automatically at the end so switch off at any time to abort.
Say 'yes' to every item to just see what is currently set.
Changing 'P2' from Ch4 to Ch5.
Level 1: 3-flash = P
Level 2: 2-flash = P2
Level 3: 1-flash = Servo
Level 4: 5-flash = Ch5